
So, we wanted to recall summer and warm autumn days that brought unforgettable emotions to children and everyone involved in the “Children of War” project.

Grateful to everyone who contributed to the “Children of War” project. Together, for over a year, we’ve been doing a very important thing – restoring childhood to children from front-line and de-occupied territories.

     December is the time to sum up and make plans, despite everything. More than two thousand children have already undergone rehabilitation and recovery in the project.

     We live here and now. Every day everyone does what they can, step by step, towards Victory and the coming spring.

     The “Children of War” project is implemented by the charitable foundation “SOS Civil Defense Headquarters,” thanks to a grant from the Children’s Resilience Fund in Ukraine, with financial support from the UBS Optimus Foundation. The program is carried out by Crown Agents International Development (CAID) and UBS Optimus Foundation in partnership with @CrownAgentsinUA.