
We write a lot about the work of psychologists with children, about training and various physical activities, about medical monitoring and excursions around the city and region. But all this is possible only if the children are in good health. First of all, children need to be fed on time, in tasty and nutritious way.

It is not easy to please 80 children with different preferences at once.  

A team of five people makes sure that the children receive high-quality fresh food four times a day. Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner – so that they have enough strength and inspiration for all their plans and ideas.  

The “Children of War” project is implemented by the SOS Civil Defense Headquarters charitable foundation thanks to a grant from the Children’s Resilience Fund in Ukraine, with financial support from the UBS Optimus Foundation. The program is implemented by Crown Agents International Development (CAID) and UBS Optimus Foundation in partnership with @CrownAgentsinUA. 
