
Legends about the Ukrainian hero or bandit Karmalyuk, secretive mushroom spots, mysterious mines recently used for stone extraction but now closed with massive gates.

Children from Derhachi were fortunate—they managed to enter the tunnels that extend for tens of kilometers inside the mountain. There, interesting inhabitants awaited them—bats. Seemingly threatening, they are actually very delicate and vulnerable, especially during hibernation.

The children learned about the different types of bats, their value to the natural environment, and the importance of caring for them.

The “Children of War” project is implemented by the charitable foundation “SOS Civil Defense Headquarters” thanks to a grant from the Children’s Resilience Fund in Ukraine, with financial support from the UBS Optimus Foundation. The program is carried out by Crown Agents International Development (CAID) and UBS Optimus Foundation in partnership with @CrownAgentsinUA.