
      Our regular friends and partners, Unicef’s “Together Juniors”, did not just excite the children from Kharkiv region and inspire them to take part in outdoor games. They reminded the children that they can and should always play, that it is an integral part of their lives, that they do not need special conditions or special equipment to have fun with their friends. 

      The name of the event, “Harmonization of Mental Health through Playful Physical Exercise,” actually has a very simple and clear goal – to see smiles on children’s faces. And the coaches of the club, as always, coped with their task. We are grateful to Unicef’s “Together Juniors” for supporting the project! 

The “Children of War” project is implemented by the SOS Civil Defense Headquarters charitable foundation thanks to a grant from the Children’s Resilience Fund in Ukraine with the financial support of the UBS Optimus Foundation. The program is implemented by Crown Agents International Development (CAID) and UBS Optimus Foundation in partnership with @CrownAgentsinUA. 
