
The “SOS-Care 60+” project is aimed at assisting elderly people, both veterans and permanent residents of the Kamianets-Podilskyi district.

The implementation of the project includes the following measures:

– Group psychological workshops and individual psychological consultations for individuals aged 60+.

Experience has shown that the 60+ age group is the most vulnerable in terms of mental health and requires more attention from psychologists. This is due to the reduced psychological plasticity of individuals in old age, which necessitates additional psychological support for this category.

-Psychosocial support for individuals aged 60+ (workshops, interest groups, social clubs).

Despite the prevailing stereotype regarding their needs (most believe that elderly people suffer the most from financial problems), individuals aged 60+ often complain about loneliness and the lack of events that would bring people of this age group together for social interaction and enjoyable leisure activities.

– Consultations with specialist doctors.

In part, older people require additional consultations with specialist doctors and additional medical examinations, but they lack the funds and information on where to seek help. Some of them may not be able to visit a doctor due to reduced mobility (they may not have the energy to reach a medical facility using public transportation, especially if they live in remote villages with limited transportation options). As part of the project, elderly individuals who are unable (financially or physically) to access a doctor or undergo medical tests receive these services for free, including transportation  to the doctor or vice versa.

-Legal consultations. 

Elderly individuals often suffer because they do not receive legal consultations. They may be hesitant to approach lawyers or believe they won’t be helped (thinking that they are no longer needed at their age). Some may not be aware of their rights or simply don’t know where to turn for legal assistance. A portion of people aged 60+ may only have basic phones and cannot access information about legal services on the internet or social media. As part of the project, lawyers make visits to provide group and individual legal consultations.

-Teaching digital literacy and social media usage, including beginner blogger courses.

Since communication in the modern world largely takes place on social media, and event announcements are primarily published on Telegram channels or Facebook, elderly people who lack social media skills may feel isolated. Therefore, efforts are made to teach older individuals the basics of using social media. Learning to use video communication allows them to connect with family and friends, reducing feelings of loneliness. The skills acquired in the beginner blogger course help themfeel more progressive, make new social media connections, and enable them to share their thoughts and receive feedback.

-Involving individuals aged 60+ in conducting workshops for children.

Often, elderly individuals have interesting knowledge and skills to share with the younger generation but lack opportunities to interact. Conducting workshops for children who are undergoing psychological rehabilitation as part of the “Children of War” project helps older people self-realize and allows them to feel needed and valued.

Delivery of humanitarian aid from the UNHCR and other international humanitarian organizations to beneficiaries who are unable to collect it themselves and to those residing in remote villages of the Kamianets-Podilskyi district.

The “SOS-Care 60+” project is implemented by the NGO “Civil Defense SOS Headquarters” with financial support from the international organization “HelpAge International” (