

The project has been operating in Kamianets-Podilskyi since September 2022, providing psychological rehabilitation and wellness for children from frontline and ...


Masha from Selydove about participating in the project

Masha is 14 and from Selydove. Today, this one sentence can say a lot about Masha and the other children ...


Art for stress relief

Children from Chuhuiv will take the mood of this day home with them. Acrylic paints, brushes, incredible atmosphere – and ...


The Smotrych River in the canyon is the best place for a picnic

What could be better than a picnic by the river in a fabulous canyon? A picnic with our tireless Lesya ...


Children from Kharkiv region visited Bozhena Filatova’s creative workshop.

They heard an interesting story about the peculiarities of Podillia embroidery, about the ancient crafts of Podillia and about the ...


In the hands of the artist Olha Nehoda-Buchkovska, a sheet of ordinary paper turns into a fairy-tale angel, and she gladly shared her skills with the participants of the Children of War project. 

 And from Volodymyr Buchkovsky, children from Dergachiv learned what etching is and even created works in this technique under his ...


They not only walked through the Old Town, heard interesting historical facts and touched architectural monuments, but also learned about the crafts that Kamianets-Podilskyi has always been rich in. 

Craftsmen and artists prepared interesting workshops for the children from Dergachiv: on making kutasiks (tassels for decor),  vytynanka and etching. So, ...


To make children forget about science, competitions, war, responsibilities, and just be children for a while – this is the main goal of organizing the vacation for the children-winners of the Junior Academy of Sciences from frontline  Konotop town.

Maximum activities, excursions, and workshops were organized to make the impressions of this trip last for a long time. As ...


An embroidered shirt, whether it is a hemp shirt with a modest embroidery around the neck, and at the bottom of the shift pulled out of a forgotten chest, or a modern, festive, heavy shirt embroidered with shimmering beads according to ancient patterns,-  is like a business card, like a banner, like a marker of belonging to a nation. A nation that is unbreakable.

The girls from the frontline town of Dergachiv put on authentic embroidered shirts, which are carefully preserved by the staff ...


Real magic reigned on the eve of Easter in the “Children of War” project.

Real magic reigned on the eve of Easter in the “Children of War” project. Thanks to the master Nelia Krasovska ...


What is the best way to get to know Kamianets? Walk through it on foot.

Feel every stone of the beautiful ancient city full of secrets and stories through the soles of your feet.The children ...


Maliivtsi know how to surprise!

Maliivtsi know how to surprise! They know how to envelop you with care and make you fall in love with ...


More than two and a half thousand children from the frontline and de-occupied territories have completed the rehabilitation program in the «Children of War» project since September 2022. And behind every number in the endless data, lists, and reports is a real child, with his or her own special inner world, hobbies, and stories. Unique and inimitable. A future musician, doctor or scientist. 

Whatever our children become in the future, right now it is imperative that they grow up happy. Yes, right now, ...


Kira from Melitopol came to Kamianets with a guitar. She had been dreaming about it for a long time, and her family helped her realize her cherished wish. 

The girl’s hometown is occupied, so now she and her family live in Zaporizhzhia. That is, in a place where ...


The Women’s Club for IDPs is 1 year old! There are more than 500 of us in our telegram chat! A year ago, we were united by our common pain. Now we are connected by common adventures, vivid impressions, and warm memories. The idea of organizing events to support IDP women has grown into a large, powerful project where every woman can find something to her liking. We also provide support for their own business and practical advice on how to implement personal projects.

We are sporty! Oriental dancing, powerlifting, badminton, table tennis, dance fitness, Nordic walking – the girls have tried what they ...


Saying farewell to childrend from Melitopol. Children are returning to their families.

Most of them go to troubled cities like Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia. Some are going to Kyiv or Lviv.   The community ...


Thanks to Volodymyr Mysko, the participants of the «Young at Heart» meeting got to know an interesting hobby – numismatics.

How did Volodymyr personally start this hobby, where to look for new coins, how to make online exchanges secure, which ...


22 psychologists from Kamianets-Podilskyi have been trained as gerontopsychologists and are now eligible to work under the program “Overcoming Trauma.

Teaching Healing Techniques” program. Today, all specializations of psychologists are important, because all categories of the population have been traumatized ...


Our girls’ Easter baskets will be recognizable from afar! And their homes will become cozier for the holidays.

At the creative workshop, we combined several toys with an Easter theme.  The dolls are simple enough to be given ...


The participants of the Children of War project are ordinary boys and girls who study, have fun, make friends, take care of their pets, and dream about the future.

Ordinary children from the frontline and de-occupied territories, who constantly experience fear by explosions, hiding, danger, and separation from their loved ...


The entertainment program of the musical and creative meeting “Young at Heart” this time included aworkshop on making a doll based on a folk one.

Initially, only a few participants agreed to take part in the workshop, but in the process, curiosity won out, and ...


The girls had been waiting for this course for several months.

And now – the first lesson of the second stream of the Petrykivka painting course has taken place! We haven’t ...


Balanced nutrition is the main guarantee of good health and cheerful mood of the participants of the project “Children of the War”.

So it is quite understandable that we pay a lot of attention to this issue.  The chef and his team ...


The girls of the Women’s Club try not to miss the first aid training.

After all, it is not known how the psyche will react in case of danger – actions must be practiced ...


This crowded event was dedicated to the beginning of the spring season.

The elderly people brought dishes prepared at home to share the meal with friends and acquaintances. Anyone could show their ...


Misha Zhuravlev is a young but very experienced blogger! 130 thousand followers inspire respect.  

Misha’s home is only a few dozen kilometers from Donetsk, so he, like thousands of other children from Novohrodivka, was ...


By studying folk dolls, one can learn a lot of interesting, important, and often painful things about the history of our people.

Customs, beliefs, peculiarities of everyday life – the folk toy has absorbed the most important and valuable things. It seems ...


What do the girls of the Women’s Club and activists of the eco-movement “Clean up the mountains” say when they are photographed? They say “It’s CLEAN”!

And now a piece of our world has really become cleaner! 50 bags of garbage – this is the result ...


Two years ago, most of the employees of our foundation lived in different cities of Ukraine and did not even think about changing their place of residence. 

Hanna Dubovska, project manager at the SOS Civil Defense Center, lived in Irpin and worked for the ICTV  channel.  Oleksandr Nesterov, ...


The Kharkiv-Kamianets connection is well-established and works like clockwork!

We have just seen Lozova off, and we are already welcoming Pervomaisk, Kharkiv region!      Over the next month, 45 children ...


 Iris folding means rainbow folding. Strips of ordinary colored paper are folded in a spiral at a certain angle – and  a unique card is ready!

    This simple but very meditative technique helped the children from Novohrodivka to relax and immerse themselves in creativity.       In ...


    It seems like only yesterday we met the kids from Lozova, Kharkiv region, and now it’s time to farewell.

    On the one hand, a few weeks is very little compared to two years of war.  On the other hand, ...


Children from the frontline and de-occupied territories come to the Children of War project for several weeks.

We write a lot about the work of psychologists with children, about training and various physical activities, about medical monitoring ...


Different in terms of focus, geographical location, and number of team members, all these organizations are united by one goal – to provide support and assistance in their region to those who need it most.

Our charitable foundation received a grant to implement the SOS Women IDP Support Program from July to December 2023. On ...


Where do civic activists get their inspiration from? From meetings with similar activists.

It’s so nice to know that there are many of us in Ukraine! We thank the Civil Society Initiatives of ...


Physical activity is an important and irreplaceable component of the rehabilitation and recovery program for children from the frontline and de-occupied territories within the framework of the “Children of War” project.  

      Our regular friends and partners, Unicef’s “Together Juniors”, did not just excite the children from Kharkiv region and inspire them ...


A very original and therapeutic drawing technique that can be safely compared to meditation or wax drawing.

Wax crayons, an iron, and a little time – and you have a magical work that cannot be repeated.         It ...


Karmalyukova Mount, so beautiful in summer and autumn, also impressed with its picturesque views in winter.  

      Not everyone can get into the adits. The entrance is closed to ordinary curious tourists. It can be dangerous for ...


The Kamianets-Podilskyi Library No. 6 always warmly welcomes participants of the “Children of War” project. This time, a surprise awaited the kids from Konotop town – a puppet show based on the folk tale “Yazykata Khveska.”

The decorations for this lively performance were handmade by library staff in collaboration with the little visitors. The plot, filled ...


The first self-defense session for IDP women took place.

It was conducted by Andriy Hadai, a trainer from the School of Traditional Martial Arts “Spas.” General rules of behavior ...


Behind every adventure for children in the “Children of War” project, behind every photo, behind every video, there is a whole team of people working day by day to make this project possible

     The main goal is to make feel children safe who are far from their families. This is always a ...


The interactive play “Queen of Instagram” became not only another cultural event attended by the participants of the “Children of War” project but also a true festive occasion.

In addition to the vibrant show involving children, they had the opportunity to take the stage, greet Santa Claus, and ...


December is the time when days are gray and short, and nights are the longest

So, we wanted to recall summer and warm autumn days that brought unforgettable emotions to children and everyone involved in ...


Once, the skill of making dolls was passed down from grandmothers to granddaughters, from mothers to daughters, from older sisters to younger ones.

Modern mothers and grandmothers happily discover the folk doll and the traditions associated with it.  In Women’s Club sessions for ...


From a distance, Karmalyukova Mountain may seem like an ordinary hill, but it hides many interesting things.

Legends about the Ukrainian hero or bandit Karmalyuk, secretive mushroom spots, mysterious mines recently used for stone extraction but now ...


Every birthday should be unforgettable

The “Children of War” project, during its existence, has welcomed more than two thousand children from the front-line and de-occupied ...


     The first thing the “Children of War” project team must take care of when meeting children from the front-line and ...


The “Children of War” project team will make children’s leisure time useful, exciting, and diverse so that every child can find something interesting.

    Motoball, or motorcycle football, is not part of the regular event schedule, as competitions and meetings take place according to ...



 In the dormitories in Zinkivtsi, at 35 Yaroslava Mudroho Str. and 36 Hrushevskoho Str., there are approximately 500 IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons). These ...


Every Friday, Tetiana Tovkach awaits our wonderful girls in the Eastern dance class. Enchanting music immerses you in the world of Eastern fairy tales, filled with spices, adventures, and love.

During the training, the lightweight shawl becomes heavier with each passing minute, hands tremble, and feet stop obeying. Tetiana rigorously ...


Representatives from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) once again visited the “SOS Civil Aid Headquarters” to directly engage with people receiving humanitarian assistance and identify the urgent needs of IDPs.

They witnessed on-site the process of registering individuals and distributing hygiene kits. Mothers with children and elderly people had the ...


Kamyanets-Podilsky warmly welcomed the kids of the “Children of War” project from Selydove, Donetsk region. Behind the smiles in the photos lies painful experience.

The journey of these children began a year ago when members of the “SOS Civil Defense Headquarters” team called the ...


It’s not the first time that the NGO “SOS Civil Aid Headquarters” has visited the Nursing Home in Cherche for the elderly and disabled people.

It’s not the first time that the NGO “SOS Civil Aid Headquarters” has visited the Nursing Home in Cherche for the elderly ...


Workers and volunteers of the ‘SOS Civil Defense Headquarters’ are rightfully proud of  impressive volumes of humanitarian aid received by IDPs since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, thanks to this charitable foundation.

Workers and volunteers of the ‘SOS Civil Defense Headquarters’ are rightfully proud of  impressive volumes of humanitarian aid received by IDPs since the beginning of ...


Enchanting Bakota: bathed in sunlight and history, washed by emerald waves and hidden meanings.

Enchanting Bakota: bathed in sunlight and history, washed by emerald waves and hidden meanings. It’s a sacred place for some and relaxation spot ...


Humanitarian aid for IDPs of Dunaivtsi | Support Program for Women-IDPs ‘SOS-Women’

As part of the implementation of the charitable partnership project "Support Program for Women-IDPs 'SOS-Women'," the charitable foundation "SOS Civil ...


The project "Children of War," implemented in Kamianets-Podilskyi by the charitable foundation "SOS Civil Defense Headquarters," aimed at the psychological ...


A charity run was organized to raise funds for the rehabilitation of the injured hero from Kamianets, Valeriy Odaiknik

Leonid Gurman, a volunteer from the Civil Defense Headquarters "SOS" organized some charity events to collect funds for the rehabilitation ...


Children from Chornobaivka about occupation | Shelling, injuries, russian oppressors, collaborators

It's impossible to hold back tears while listening to the stories of the children from Chornobaivka, whose fate has been ...



In the "Children of the War" project, the psychological rehabilitation of children from frontline and deoccupied areas is not limited ...



Renowned reporter Ian Pannell has been to many hotspots. On the anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion, he made a ...



Groups of participants in the "Children of War" project are brought here for medical ...


Psychosocial support from The Red Cross

Happiness in children's eyes is the greatest reward for the volunteers of the Red Cross Society in Kamyanets-Podilskyi. With the ...



The Humanitarian-Social Center for IDPs in Dunayivtsi has been opened by the charitable foundation "SOS: Civil Defense Headquarters" in collaboration ...


Kamianets-Podilskyi schools accept young participants of the “Children of War” project

These children have almost forgotten what face-to-face learning is like. Their home schools closed their doors on February 24 and ...


SOS Charity Fund thanks foreign friends from Italy for their help!

SOS Charity Fund thanks foreign friends from Italy for their help! In order to entertain the rising generation and distract ...


Race in honour of Global Running Day at the initiative of SOS Charity Fund

Race in honour of Global Running Day at the initiative of SOS Charity Fund The athletes of Kamianets-Podilskyi have not ...


Round Table Conference was held on the initiative of the SOS Charity Fund

Round Table Conference was held on the initiative of the SOS Charity Fund May 26, on the initiative of the ...


We are supported by more and more foreign companies

We are supported by more and more foreign companies More and more foreign donors are transferring funds to the needs ...


Тhe first social hair salon was opened on the initiative of the SOS Charity Fund

Тhe first social hair salon was opened on the initiative of the SOS Charity Fund On the initiative of the ...


Gastro tour tо the cities-heroes on the initiative of the SOS Charity Fund

Gastro tourtо the cities-heroeson the initiative of the SOS Charity Fund On the initiative of the Charity Fund “SOS: Civil ...


Signing of Memorandum with the public organization “International Club of Business People”

Signing of Memorandum with the public organization “International Club of Business People” The SOS: Civil Defence Headquarters Charity Fund and ...


The Stock Centre of humanitarian aid was opened on the basis of the SOS Charity Fund 

The Stock Centre of humanitarian aid was opened on the basis of the SOS Charity Fund  On the basis of ...


“Children’s town” was established with the participation of the SOS Charity Fund

“Children’s town” was established with the participation of the SOS Charity Fund With the participation of the Charity Fund “SOS: ...


The Closed Sky sculpture was unveiled with the assistance of the SOS Charity Fund

The Closed Sky sculpture was unveiled with the assistance of the SOS Charity Fund The opening of the symbolic sculptural ...